vendredi 9 octobre 2009


deborah zafman dans le cadre de frasq, rencontre de la performance,

a le plaisir de vous inviter à une série évolutive  d’action/danse

Christine Renée Graz/Lasdada : Corps en Papouasie danse donne à lire les zones du réel et de l'imaginaire, les espaces du concept et de la magie...


Ouverture le samedi 10 octobre à partir de 18h 

Deux semaines de performances, tous les jours (du mardi au samedi) à 18h30

Clôture le samedi 24 octobre à partir de 18h

jeudi 1 octobre 2009


Ever since i opened the gallery, i had the desire to let it be a LIVING space, a place where different energies could circulate and penetrate the paintings hanging on the walls. and now with my recent discovery of the world of "bienêtre" i've opened the space up to spiritual/physical practices......such as yoga, which is no longer a new-age california phenomenon for spiritual types but for many years now,  has grown in popularity to such a degree that i sometimes ask myself..."who doesn't do yoga?" (i'm one of the few to answer that i don't do yoga....but not for long as i will certainly be attending simon's stage on sunday the 18th). hope you will decide to join us.

dimanche 18 octobre 10h30 à 13h
contact: simon pyrke: