mercredi 27 mai 2009

may slips away...

they say time flies when you're having fun. i think time just flies. perhaps at the speed of light. but time apparently stops at lightspeed. if it stops then does it exist?
let's live as timelessly as possible, to seek a life in the eternal present; maybe that's how to become enLIGHTened. 
is there a speed of thought? or do thoughts all travel at different speeds depending on their content/quality? i bet there are thoughts that travel as fast as light (and these must certainly be loving thoughts, the one's that come from the heart's mind and not from fear-filled rationality).
what does this have to do with art? everything. art which possesses inner truth from the heart's mind is art with the power to escort us into that magico-poetical realm of timelessness.
i like to imagine the gallery space as a vessel flying at lightspeed so that when people enter, they pass through into an expansive world of dreams where their heart's mind has a place to grow.

jeudi 21 mai 2009

la vie en vert (more rattrapage)

on thursday may 14th we opened "la vie en vert (et contre tout)" a vernissage where i hung works from my collection that were suprisingly quite green! didn't know what the meaning of this was (whether it was related to a latent ecological consciousness that has been recently emerging following my trip to ecuador or whether it had more to do with martianesque matters). anyway, everyone loves michel gouery's intenstine/brain ceramics sculptures inside the aquariums with water. nice to see hung together works by li tianbing, stephane pencreac'h, ronan barrot, etc.
arletty abadi, my raw friend, prepared gorgeous green juice and green tea served in martini glasses and other green goodies like guacamole, eaten with green celery sticks of course.
we had the pleasure of listening to our prodigious pianist olivier, who, by the way, will be having a recital here in june (more on that later).


the purpose of this blog for me is to document the richness of life in the "laboratoire de suppositions" and to serve as a peep hole for the world to look into and discover the magical, kaleidoscopic life of the gallery. i regret that since the website finally was put on-line, that i didn't begin a daily ritual of blogging.
just for the sake of 'rattrapage', i hosted a wonderful cocktail party for the berkeley club of france the evening of april 28th. photos of the evening can be seen at:
about 75 berkeley alum showed up. i had the pleasure of talking with a lovely astrophysicist (she studies the sun), and a doctoral student writing on the history of paris, alex toledano, who led me to some amazing musicians that will be playing here on may 29th. Beep! is their name and they are coming from san francisco. here's more info: