let's live as timelessly as possible, to seek a life in the eternal present; maybe that's how to become enLIGHTened.
is there a speed of thought? or do thoughts all travel at different speeds depending on their content/quality? i bet there are thoughts that travel as fast as light (and these must certainly be loving thoughts, the one's that come from the heart's mind and not from fear-filled rationality).
what does this have to do with art? everything. art which possesses inner truth from the heart's mind is art with the power to escort us into that magico-poetical realm of timelessness.
i like to imagine the gallery space as a vessel flying at lightspeed so that when people enter, they pass through into an expansive world of dreams where their heart's mind has a place to grow.
La galería de usted la recuerdo con nostalgia. Una colaboración que solamente tuvo lugar en mi imaginación (provocó usted que en el verano de 2006 yo pintase una serie rosa en Granada durante el verano). No encuentro el momento de hacerle una visita o de invitarla a que visite usted mi nuevo taller. Actualmente tengo varios proyectos con otras galerías, pero mi admiración por usted no decae.